About the Mastodon Profile Checker
This guide aims to provide easy-to-understand and actionable recommendations for having an good experience on Mastodon.
While the recommendations are not exhaustive, they aim to cover many basics that will help you get a great start with Mastodon - or help improve your existing experience.
The following resources can be used as supplement to the recommendations below
Feedback & ideas can be sent to @[email protected]
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Using #hashtags in your posts #
We found 8 post(s) with hashtag and 12 post(s) without hashtags in your 20 most recent posts
Using #hashtags
in your posts makes them more likely to be discovered by other people.
Of course, using hashtags is optional on Mastodon, but it's a great way to reach more people with your posts.
Since people can follow #hashtags
, it's a great way to get higher reach and engagement on your posts.
Hashtags in posts are essential since there is no algorithm to automatically expose people that don't already follow you to your content.
If you're Danish, we maintain a list of popular Danish #hashtags
, otherwise check the trending hashtags for inspiration.
Note: We're only analyzing posts you've written. Boosts and replies are ignored in this recommendation
You can use a #hashtag
to make your post discoverable to anyone searching for that hashtag. Hashtags can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, but cannot contain numbers only.
Profile: Has uploaded a avatar/picture #
Having a profile avatar (picture) on your account makes it significantly more recognizable, which in turn, makes it more likely that people will engage or even follow you.
Having a profile picture will help build credibility to your account, as it will not look anonymous or scammy to others
Your avatar is an icon that is displayed next to your posts and is part of your visual identity. You can upload an avatar as a PNG, GIF, or JPG image up to 2MB in size. This image will be downscaled to 400x400.
Profile: Has a bio/about text #
A profile bio makes it easier for others to get to know you, and in turn, follow you.
Including some #hashtags
with your interests will make it easier for people to discover your account too
Your bio is a short description of yourself that is displayed as a note on your profile. You can set a bio of up to 500 characters by default. All links are counted as 23 characters, no matter how long they actually are, so there is no need to use a link shortener to save characters. In fact, using a link shortener is actively discouraged.
Follows enough people to have engaging content #
Following fewer than 50 people could lead to a very quiet experience
If you're migrating from Twitter, you can use the services listed below to find people from Twitter on Mastodon automatically.
Each service is fairly similar, but take a slightly different approach to finding people from Twitter, so I would recommend trying all three of them.
As a lot of people are moving to Mastodon daily, I would recommend checking them once a week to discover new people to follow
Profile: Has uploaded a banner #
Having a profile banner on your account make it significantly more recognizable, which in turn makes it more likely that people will follow you.
It also helps to build credibility to your account, as it will not look anonymous
Your header is a banner image shown at the top of your profile, as well as in profile cards used in follow lists and account directories. You can upload a header as a PNG, GIF, or JPG image up to 2MB in size. This image will be downscaled to 1500x500.
Profile: Has metadata fields #
Adding links to your other online profiles (YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Portfolio, etc.) or some structured information about yourself is a great way to build credibility to your Mastodon profile.
The fields can contain links, #hashtags
, and regular text - so much like the profile bio, it's a great place to be creative and come up with something fun and engaging.
For links, you have the option of verifying (not verified like on Twitter!) your profile, resulting in the link/box turning "green" showing to everyone else that the Mastodon server could verify that the link from your Mastodon profile links back to your Mastodon profile, thus cross-verifying your identify via other websites.
You can learn more about profile verification in the official Mastodon documentation
Profile metadata is a way to add extra information to your profile that is easy to skim. You have up to 4 rows where you can define the label and the value.
Profile: Is discoverable by others #
Your profile is discoverable by other users and you will show up in the Explore -> For You (Suggested Users) for other people on the server.
The checkbox should be *checked* to opt-in
Opting in to be listed on the profile directory will make your profile discoverable through a feature that allows browsing through profiles.